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Friday, September 20

9:00am PDT

Durable Large-scale Media Workflows: Insights from Netflix’s Plato Platform
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT
Media processing workflows are inherently complex, often requiring extensive state management and continuous updates to ensure media encodes remain current. At Netflix, we have developed the Plato media workflow platform, a key component of our larger Cosmos media processing system. This talk will delve into how we process millions of media workflow events daily, ensuring durability and scalability while enhancing the developer experience.

Enhancing RPC Durability in Media Workflows

Cosmos is a microservices-based platform, where each processing component is implemented as a microservice or as a serverless function. This necessitates the workflows to make RPC calls to execute the tasks at scale asynchronously. Plato’s unique approach to handling remote procedure calls (RPCs) using message-passing techniques makes the flaky RPC calls more durable and reliable. This adaptation allows our users to build on a resilient RPC client foundation, mitigating the impacts of potential failures on workflow continuity.

Scaling to Millions of Workflow Events

The media processing domain is characterized by its bursty nature of work, where the demand for producing encodes often exceeds available compute resources. To address this, Plato incorporates features like priority-based task queues, execution avoidance, and a combination of dynamic and static graph execution models. Together, these features enable us to process millions of workflow events daily. We will present real-world scenarios that showcase how these technologies allow Plato to efficiently scale up and durably execute millions of workflow events.

Prioritizing Developer Experience
While ensuring durability is crucial for our users, it cannot come at the cost of developer experience. The Plato platform allows users to seamlessly bring their own strongly typed data models. This feature ensures that workflow execution state can be stored and retrieved reliably, testing workflows with strong contracts, and lowering the barrier to entry for our users by enhancing the platform’s usability. We will highlight case studies that demonstrate how Plato provides a good developer experience and discuss some of the open challenges we are working on.


This talk will provide an overview of how Netflix implements durable executions to process media encodes at scale. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and techniques that Netflix uses in the media processing space, with practical examples from the Plato platform that highlights our approach to durability, scalability, and developer experience.

  • For an overview of the underlying technologies and design principles of the Cosmos platform, please refer to our blog post here.
avatar for Dmitry Vasilyev

Dmitry Vasilyev

Staff Engineer, Netflix
I'm a graduate of BSU in Minsk, Belarus. I spent 7 years building an online marketplace before joining Netflix in 2016. At Netflix I have been working on workflow orchestration distributed systems in the area of media processing. Currently my interests also include serverless multi... Read More →
avatar for Naveen Mareddy

Naveen Mareddy

Senior Staff Engineer - Content Infrastructure Solutions (CIS), Netflix
Naveen Mareddy is a Senior Staff Engineer in Netflix's Content Infrastructure Solutions (CIS) group, where he works at the intersection of media processing platforms and large-scale distributed cloud computing systems. His team is responsible for building and managing the infrastructure... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

9:00am PDT

A Payments Modernization Journey using Temporal
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT
avatar for Rajesh Iyer

Rajesh Iyer

Executive Director of Software Engineering, JPMorgan & Chase Co.
Friday September 20, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

9:40am PDT

Yum! Brands: Delayed Execution with Parent Workflows and Schedules
Friday September 20, 2024 9:40am - 10:10am PDT
Yum! brands has been a presenter at every Replay and this year, we return to talk about our progress with Temporal and explicitly around some new use cases. This year, we will go into detail about our promotion authoring and data sync use cases and explicitly how we use parent workflows and schedules to throttle load on various internal and external systems. 

We will dive into a general overview of a few workflows and their activities and then into code examples where we present some best practices for this pattern. Along the way, we will speak to the challenges we encountered and hopefully help with some practical tips and tricks you can walk away with.
avatar for Mitchell West

Mitchell West

Engineering Manager, Yum! Brands Inc.
Mitchell is an Engineering manager at Yum! Brands, where as a lead engineer he adopted Temporal for payment transactions on Yum’s ecommerce platform. He now oversees the Loyalty and Promotions products which have implemented Temporal for their own unique use cases.
Friday September 20, 2024 9:40am - 10:10am PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

9:40am PDT

Complexity and the Cloud, Enterprise Edition ;-)
Friday September 20, 2024 9:40am - 10:10am PDT
Is your company failing to get the expected ROI on its cloud investments? Are your software engineers spending far too much time thinking about containers, pub/sub topics, and cloud functions instead of focusing on the business problems their software is meant to solve? If so, you are not alone.

Many large enterprises face disappointment with their cloud investments, failing to achieve the expected return on investment. This issue often stems from focusing too much on the easier aspects of cloud adoption, such as setting up infrastructure, while neglecting the more challenging task of adapting software architecture for the cloud’s unique demands.

In traditional data centers, hardware is reliable and failure-resistant, which shapes the way software is designed. However, the cloud environment is inherently ephemeral, with transient virtual machines and distributed storage that requires applications to be resilient and fault-tolerant. This shift necessitates a new approach to software architecture, one that many enterprises overlook, leading to inefficiencies and increased development times.

The cloud often shifts complexity rather than reducing it, placing new burdens on software engineers. They must now handle transient failures, ensure data durability, and maintain distributed consistency. These challenges not only erode the anticipated benefits of cloud migration but also increase cognitive load, distracting engineers from writing good software and focusing on business logic. Furthermore, this complexity shift often benefits cloud providers from a billing and revenue perspective, as organizations may end up paying more for additional services and resources to manage these complexities.

Temporal offers a solution by providing an abstraction layer that simplifies the development of resilient cloud applications. It includes built-in primitives for managing state, retries, timeouts, and long-running workflows, allowing engineers to focus on business logic rather than infrastructure complexities. This results in applications that maintain high availability and fault tolerance, essential for cloud environments.

By using Temporal, software engineers are relieved from the burdens of cloud-specific challenges, improving productivity and accelerating the delivery of cloud-native applications. This alignment with modern software development practices, such as microservices and event-driven architectures, ensures that enterprises can modernize their application portfolios effectively.

The key to maximizing cloud investment ROI lies in rethinking software architecture to embrace the cloud’s unique characteristics. Temporal enables this transformation, ensuring cloud applications are as resilient and dependable as traditional on-premises systems, thereby realizing the full benefits of cloud migration. By addressing the true complexities of the cloud, enterprises can avoid unnecessary costs and achieve their strategic goals more effectively.
avatar for Charles (Chas) Meyer

Charles (Chas) Meyer

Associate Director, Engineering Platform Innovation, Humana
Chas Meyer has spent the last decade of his career driving digital transformation initiatives spanning from the Fortune 500 to the Fortune 50. Throughout his journey, Chas has observed a common pitfall: organizations invest substantial resources in creating advanced cloud environments... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 9:40am - 10:10am PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

10:40am PDT

The Future of Friction-Free Workflow Upgrades
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
Today, iterating on workflow implementations requires careful, backwards-compatible patching that, if done incorrectly, can result in stuck workflows and challenging remediations. Together, Temporal and Datadog are working to improve this process.

Temporal is developing APIs that allow teams to manage their deploys of Temporal Workers. With these APIs, short-running workflows will be guaranteed to run to completion on a single version of code with no patching, and developers will have better and safer tools to migrate even long-running workflows to new versions.

As a design partner, Datadog has been building an open-source Kubernetes controller based on these APIs. This controller will manage the rollouts of worker deployments and automatically reconcile running workflows with existing worker versions.
In this session, you will learn about the future of safely managing worker rollouts, see a demo of the worker Kubernetes controller, and join a community of developers creating new best practices for deploying stateful applications.
avatar for Jacob LeGrone

Jacob LeGrone

Staff Software Engineer, Datadog
Jacob is a Staff Software Engineer at Datadog where he has spent the last five years helping engineering teams design, test and deploy distributed systems. Jacob has a long history of work in the open source community; most recently as an active contributor to Temporal projects including... Read More →
avatar for Drew Hoskins

Drew Hoskins

Staff Product Manager, Temporal
Drew is a Staff Product Manager at Temporal focusing on improving the experience of Temporal application developers.  He’s spent his whole career building developer technology, most recently as a Staff Engineer at Stripe where he founded and built out the Workflow Engine, a popular... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

10:40am PDT

Trends in GenAI Development
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
What happens when you mix the best open source GenAI stack with the best durable execution platform? You get a production ready application. Learn how the power of GenAI running on containers can be enhanced with Temporal's durable execution platform.
avatar for Mike Donovan

Mike Donovan

VP of Product, Docker
Mike Donovan is VP of Product at Docker, the leading platform designed to help developers build, share, and run container applications. After spending 15+ years as a Software Engineer in multiple industries, he transitioned into the role of Product Management. Before joining Docker... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

10:40am PDT

Developer Secrets to Reducing Temporal Cloud Costs
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
The fundamental pricing model of Temporal Cloud is simple to understand, just executed actions and utilized storage, yet it’s easy to underestimate how many actions your workflow might run, or how large the event history may grow. We’ll help clarify what workflow design choices may be responsible for high action or storage costs.

This talk will compare the impacts of several design decisions made as part of a simple but realistic workflow. We’ll examine a month of simulated activity and use it to illustrate the effects of each seemingly minor change to the workflow.

Along with simple changes (e.g shorter lived workflows) we’ll also review some more dramatic design choices (e.g actor model execution) that aim to minimize costs in scenarios where Temporal Cloud might appear prohibitively expensive.

Whether you’re looking for a way to optimize your cloud costs, or increase the accuracy of your next cost estimation, this talk is sure to be of interest.

Topics Will Include: 
  • Unexpected Sources Of Action Consumption: - Unnecessary parallelism / Child workflows - Low timeout heartbeats - High interactivity / incoming signals - Short timers
  • Unexpected Sources Of Storage Utilization: - Returning large state from activities - Signal payloads - Overall history length - Unnecessarily Long Lived Workflows - Sleeping With A Long History
  • Illustrated Design Impacts Will Include: - Skipped short timers - Encoded workflow payloads - Actor style workflows - “Deactivating” workflows - Optimistically continue-as-new for “history compaction”

avatar for Nils Lundquist

Nils Lundquist

Backend Development Manager, Bitovi
Friday September 20, 2024 10:40am - 11:10am PDT
Sidequest Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (E-F)

11:20am PDT

Production Readiness Checks at scale with Temporal and Temporal schedule
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
Having a production ready service is always important in modern services and becoming more and more important everyday, and it is always important to make sure every service in your organization meets the standard of production ready. Not all teams in the company have the same level of expertise on what the production ready means, and it is important to help each service owner teams to make their service more production ready. There are some interesting production readiness metrics, like unit tests coverage, CI/CD pipeline setup, any known vulnerabilities or if the service is resilient in multiple clusters in case of disaster.

That’s what we do in Cloudflare is to have a production readiness dashboard, that will display your service health and production readiness information and what users could do to improve it. We have tons of services and repositories in Cloudflare, and for one big instance to check all services would not be scalable and reliable, so that’s where Temporal comes into play to help us solve this problem at scale, and run production readiness checks in parallel to save time. 

We used Temporal to help coordinate a list of instances to distribute the workload of those production readiness checks, and also used Temporal schedule to help check the metrics on a defined interval, and update our production readiness dashboard in real time.

With the help of Temporal, we are able to coordinate and complete the production readiness checks in just a few hours for thousands of repositories and well before the next scheduled refresh, and are able to configure a much shorter refresh interval if needed. Not to mention the automatic retries provided by Temporal out of the box for the workflows that help us retry failures automatically when needed. This gives us the scalability and reliability we need for our dashboard.

avatar for Sijie Xia

Sijie Xia

Systems Engineer, Cloudflare
Sijie is an experienced systems engineer in Cloudflare, and is core designer and contributor to production readiness metrics dashboard, and lots of internal productivity and infrastructure toolings in Cloudflare. Before Cloudflare, Sijie worked as software engineer in Expedia Group... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

11:20am PDT

The Inner Workings of Temporal SDKs
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
Temporal has six officially supported SDKs and a few more that are available in the community. They are a critical part of the project as they provide idiomatic language support so you can code for reliability in your apps and services.

Each SDK we strive to make feel as natural to the language as possible.  All of them have a common set of base functionality, and provide the ability to rebuild your workflow's state from history, enabling you to write durable, fault-tolerant code in your language of choice.

In this talk, I'll explain how the insides of the SDKs make the magic of Temporal state recreation work. This talk assumes familiarity with the basics of Temporal Workflows.
avatar for Spencer Judge

Spencer Judge

Senior Software Engineer, Temporal
Spencer has worked on tools for developers for most of his career. At Temporal he owns the Rust "Core" SDK underlying the TypeScript, Python, and .NET SDKs as well as designing and implementing various cross-SDK features. He lives in Seattle and spends his time outside of work on... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
Sidequest Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (E-F)

11:20am PDT

Driving Innovation: Deferred Payments and Car Data Management at Turo
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
We will present two use cases where we have leveraged Temporal at Turo.

For car rentals, guests would like to defer payment until the start of their reservation. Ensuring that the payment is triggered at the right time is crucial. We’ll describe our specific use case and detail its implementation and workflow design decisions. For example, use of notifications, scheduling, and error handling.

In order to showcase our selection of cars accurately at Turo, we maintain a catalog of car data for each country we operate in. We build this dataset by integrating with multiple data providers. The datasets change frequently as new cars are released and the import process for each dataset runs on a fixed schedule. Temporal has helped us process data in a reliable and efficient way. We will show how workflows have enabled us to easily spread the work across our application instances, how we are notified and act on workflow errors, and how the Temporal UI has assisted in monitoring the status of our long running jobs.
avatar for Sigurd Lund

Sigurd Lund

Staff Software Engineer, Turo
I am a backend engineer at Turo where I work on the vehicle catalog team. Over the last year, we have adopted Temporal to automate import jobs of vehicle data from third party data vendors. These are long running workflows containing multiple steps to normalize the data into a format... Read More →
avatar for Masashi Nakane

Masashi Nakane

Staff Software Engineer, Turo
 I am  a Software Engineer at Turo where over the past 2 years we have built Turo's payments infrastructure and microservices allowing 10 times scalability. A part of the payment platform, we introduced Temporal for scheduled payment use cases that helped our business grow.Outside... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 11:20am - 11:50am PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

12:00pm PDT

Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:20pm PDT
Let's eat!
Friday September 20, 2024 12:00pm - 1:20pm PDT

12:15pm PDT

12:15pm PDT

1:10pm PDT

Temporal @ NVIDIA: How to Manage GPUs in the Cloud and Keep Them Running, All the Time, Forever
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
“Workflows” in Temporal are much more than a sequence of steps. In addition to traditional, DAG-based workflows, they may represent a Finite State Machine, an Actor, or any other process.

At NVIDIA, we operate a fleet of GPUs deployed across public and private clouds. Many developers use Temporal to deal with unreliable services. At NVIDIA we use it to manage unreliable hardware, networks, and configuration, and our solution involves all of the above Workflow types.

Not only does Temporal provide the building blocks for these various types of Workflows, they are interoperable via Signals, Child Workflows, Queries, and Updates. This means that a traditional (DAG) Workflow may represent an action taken by an Agent; or that a Signal to an Actor may form one step of a traditional Workflow; or that a State Machine Workflow may guard resources modified by another Workflow. All of these interaction patterns are used in our design.

The scale of Temporal allows us to represent each resource in our system as a Workflow, all the way from racks down to individual GPUs. Finally, because these fine-grained Workflows store little data and are usually idle, it is economical to run them on Temporal Cloud.

avatar for Jason Roselander

Jason Roselander

Software Engineer, NVIDIA
I’ve been working with various versions of Temporal almost since its inception as Simple Workflow in Amazon’s Software Platform team. (In fact, Temporal Co-Founder & CTO Maxim Fateev was my mentor as a new-grad.) During my decade at Amazon, I wrote many applications based on Simple... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

1:10pm PDT

The struggles of being on time
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
In the realm of software development, scheduling and executing tasks precisely when needed is a universal challenge—particularly as systems scale. This session will provide an in-depth exploration of how timed events are managed with traditional tools such as Redis, databases, and queues, which many developers are already familiar with.

However, despite their capabilities, these tools often require complex integrations and extensive manual maintenance to handle dynamic scheduling effectively. This talk will dissect these challenges and demonstrate how they can impede application scalability and reliability.

Contrasting this, we will introduce Temporal, a robust solution that simplifies the scheduling and management of timed events. Attendees will learn about Temporal’s innovative approach to workflows and timers, which provides out-of-the-box scalability and flexibility, allowing developers to adapt to changing business requirements with minimal effort.

The session aims to equip developers with the knowledge to:
  • Understand the limitations of traditional scheduling tools.
  • Leverage Temporal’s workflows for dynamic, reliable task execution.
  • Seamlessly integrate scalable timed events into full stack applications.

By the end of this presentation, attendees will not only grasp how Temporal can streamline their development processes but will also gain practical insights into transforming their current event-handling implementations for better performance and ease of maintenance. Join us to elevate your application’s functionality and discover a simpler path to robust, timed task execution.
avatar for Daniel Kidon

Daniel Kidon

Senior Staff Engineer, HoneyBook
I’m currently the backend tech lead at HoneyBook, where I focus on optimizing client flow systems through advanced asynchronous operations and digital identity management. My passion for coding started in childhood, shaping a career dedicated to solving complex technical challenges.Outside... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
Sidequest Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (E-F)

1:10pm PDT

Salesforce's Temporal Success Story: Pioneering Efficiency and Innovation
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
Exponential Growth and Team Expansion
Salesforce has experienced a remarkable 36% quarter-over-quarter growth since adopting Temporal, demonstrating the platform’s scalability and reliability. This growth is a direct result of over 20 teams within Salesforce utilizing Temporal to foster a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

Operational Mastery: Executing at Scale
Our operational capabilities are showcased by the management of over 70+ clusters. This reflects our dedication to customer excellence and our ability to handle complex scale effectively.

Innovation and Customization: The Salesforce Edge
The synergy between Temporal’s robust features and our bespoke enhancements has significantly advanced our business process automations, giving us a distinct advantage in the marketplace.

Key Innovations
  • Seamless Customer Onboarding: We’ve streamlined the onboarding process to under an hour, thanks to automated namespace management and the use of the Open Source Terraform Temporal provider. Our active contributions to the OSS community underscore our commitment to collective advancement.
  • Collaboration at its Core: The integration of Temporal Clusters with Slack has improved collaboration and notifications, providing rich, timely updates and reducing the need for constant workflow monitoring.

At Salesforce, we’re not just keeping pace with technological advancements; we’re setting the pace, pushing the boundaries to deliver exceptional value to our customers.
avatar for Parin Maru

Parin Maru

Software Engineer (Principal Member of Technical Staff), Salesforce
I am a Software Engineer (Principal Member of Technical Staff) at Salesforce. I have been at Salesforce for 6 and a half years, and been in the Software industry for more than 10 years. Almost my entire career I have been involved in the infrastructure space and enjoy working on highly... Read More →
avatar for Madhuri Gore

Madhuri Gore

Senior Director of Engineering, Salesforce
Introducing Madhuri Gore - With a commanding presence at the forefront of technological innovation, Madhuri Gore stands as the Senior Director of Engineering at Salesforce. Her visionary leadership is currently steering the Temporal Vision & Strategy within the company, marking significant... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:10pm - 1:40pm PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

1:50pm PDT

Accelerating Development with Kibu
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
Discern, Inc. presents Kibu: An open-source developer productivity toolkit developed in Go and powered by Temporal.

This presentation will focus on Kibu’s unique capabilities to simplify and expedite the development process by automating the generation of essential plumbing code. This automation allows developers to concentrate more on business logic rather than boilerplate, significantly reducing development time and effort.

A key feature of our session will be to demonstrate how quickly you can build service endpoints using plain old Go code (no proto files). We will showcase several examples, including starting workflows, performing queries, handling updates, and generating plumbing code that makes your endpoints durable by default.

Attendees will learn how Temporal can be the backbone of your entire system and how Kibu empowers developers to rapidly build and deploy robust applications.

avatar for James Qualls

James Qualls

Principal Software Engineer, Discern
James Qualls is a software and platform engineer with over a decade of experience across various sectors and disciplines. He is obsessed with developer productivity and delivering robust, high quality software.He is a Principal Engineer at Discern, building a corporate compliance... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
Sidequest Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (E-F)

1:50pm PDT

Integrating Temporal with Legacy Applications: Pitfalls, Triumphs, and Strategies
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
So you want to try Temporal, or you want to use Temporal more in your code bases, but you’re working with legacy systems. Example repos and docs may have great ideas for greenfield applications or simple set up for applications that can rely on workflow-to-workflow communication, but your systems are...not as “straightforward”.

Stitch Fix has been integrating Temporal into its older distributed systems, getting creative with applications that are a mix of languages, architectures, and stimulus styles -- from async endpoint calls to message queues. This presentation will give you a brief overview of ways to carve out use cases for Temporal based on features and functionality that already exist in your ecosystem, and simple ideas of how to integrate Temporal tooling in tricky situations.
avatar for Lauren Billington

Lauren Billington

Lead Engineer, Stitch Fix
Lauren is a Lead Engineer at Stitch Fix, and for the last 3 years has been helping to maintain, build, and reimagine (with Temporal!) order processing for millions of happy customers. Before joining Stitch Fix, she worked for various organizations building tools for legislative tracking... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

1:50pm PDT

Temporal Cloud Behind-The-Scenes
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
The Control Plane is the ‘brain’ behind Temporal Cloud that ensures its smooth operation, manages resources and workloads, rolls out updates to the software stack, and performs many other critical operations. In this talk, Sergey will share more details about the behind-the-scenes Control Plane functionality and how it continues to evolve over time. 
  1. Recap of high-level architecture: DP/CP/IP
  2. Rings and rollouts
    1. Recap
    2. Ring100
    3. Different kinds of rollouts: normal, patch, config, alerts, infra, auth
    4. How this approach improves reliability
  3. Release process
    1. How it used to be (OSS → CDS → Cloud, patches)
    2. Bi-weekly deployments (Cloud → OSS)
    3. How this approach improves reliability
  4. Migration
    1. Across Cells with different capacity (shard count)
    2. For load balancing
    3. Daycare Cells
    4. How this approach improves reliability 
  5. MRN
    1. Managing two-replica namespaces
    2. Leveraging migration milage
    3. Automatic failover? [when it’s ready]
    4. Three-way replication during migration
  6. Multi-cloud
    1. We ran into some differences between GCP and AWS, but nothing major
    2. CP had a notion of cloud provider from the start but found a couple of misses
    3. We are not running a piece of CP in GCP yet, TBD

avatar for Sergey Bykov

Sergey Bykov

Principal Software Engineer, Temporal
Sergey Bykov is responsible for the architecture of Temporal Cloud. Prior to joining Temporal Sergey was one of the founders of the Orleans project at Microsoft Research and led its development for over a decade. The mediocre state of developer tools for cloud services and distributed... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 1:50pm - 2:20pm PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

2:50pm PDT

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should… Workflow Edition
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
This talk will cover:
  • 3 pitfalls of DIY-ing your own durable execution platform,
  • 3 benefits of leveraging a mature solution like Temporal, and
  • 3 keys to success in getting started with your implementation project.

Redirecting The BuildersMark will also share his experience with redirecting the talent and energy of these brilliant builders toward enhancing and building on top of the mature and battle-hardened durable execution features that Temporal provides rather than getting mired in reinventing the wheel.

What Can Participants ExpectThis talk will help participants make strong business and technical arguments for adopting Temporal rather than doing DIY and also why leveraging Temporal Cloud could be a great fit rather than self-hosting.

avatar for Mark Carlson

Mark Carlson

CTO, Modernize
Mark Carlson is an experienced technology leader with over 30 years of expertise in discovering and leveraging emerging technologies. His pragmatic approach focuses on achieving practical business outcomes and treating new technology platforms as user-friendly products that can be... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
Wanderers Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (A-C)

2:50pm PDT

Efficiency in the Cloud: Leveraging Temporal Cloud Metrics to Autoscale Your Workers
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
In an increasingly connected world, handling traffic spikes effectively is paramount. This talk delves into several autoscaling approaches for Temporal worker clusters.

We’ll explore scaling methodologies, such as using Temporal Cloud metrics, PaaS metrics, or scheduled scaling. We’ll discuss how companies leverage these various options and the pros and cons associated with them. By dissecting these approaches, you’ll gain insights into scaling strategies for meeting demand in real time while optimizing resource allocation in Temporal environments.

We’ll also dive into suggested server metrics for autoscaling Temporal workers. Metrics are the bedrock for informed decision-making, ensuring that resources are allocated judiciously to meet fluctuating demands while maintaining cost efficiency.

Scaling a Temporal worker cluster can be daunting, depending on your requirements and experience level. I’ll walk through the different approaches and provide real-world solutions used to scale some of the production systems Bitovi has the privilege of contributing to.

Finally, I’ll walk you through a live demo showcasing the use of Temporal Cloud metrics to scale a worker cluster dynamically. Attendees will witness firsthand how this scaling strategy adapts to real-time metrics, ensuring minimal latency and optimal resource utilization.

Walk away with tangible strategies to help you scale with Temporal and make smart decisions about how to do it.

avatar for Austin Kurpuis

Austin Kurpuis

Backend Development Manager, Bitovi
Austin Kurpuis is a seasoned full-stack software engineer with over 12 years of experience across diverse industries, including E-commerce, MedTech, FinTech, Defense, Logistics, and GenAI. His career is marked by high-profile consulting roles for companies such as Apple and GrubHub.Austin... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
Sidequest Stage | Evergreen Ballroom (E-F)

2:50pm PDT

Platform as a Superpower: Adoption of Temporal at HashiCorp
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
Following on from last year’s Replay talk Temporal @ HashiCorp, this talk dives into several use cases for which durable execution can give superpowers to your platform organization, enabling you to deal with the inevitable complexity when your architecture (and team) needs to scale.

We will share specific use cases where Temporal has empowered us to manage the complexities of growing architectures and teams. With detailed code examples, attendees will learn how Temporal workflows have enabled us to minimize operational risk and streamline operations. We will also explore the human aspect of durable execution, detailing its impact on our stakeholders, and our team’s productivity and morale.

Internal platforms built to enable developer self-service often mask messy ownership and security concerns in order to present an ergonomic user experience, resulting in limited extensibility, operational risk, and a productivity tax carried by platform documentation and support processes. Furthermore, many of these issues worsen exponentially as the size of your team and your architecture grows. Attendees will take away actionable insights into building scalable, secure platforms using durable execution, and a clear understanding of how Temporal can be leveraged to reduce operational risks and eliminate the productivity tax on developers.

At the heart of every platform are workflows exposed as services, and Temporal helps teams to focus on workflows rather than the accidental complexity introduced by technology. Since its inception, the HashiCorp Cloud Platform has been built on durable execution.

Now, with Temporal as the foundation of our internal platform we have been able to create a reliable, secure, self-documenting and team-agnostic approach to virtually any platform use case required by our development teams.
avatar for Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis

Staff Site Reliability Engineer, HashiCorp
Anthony is an engineer in Austin, TX working in the platform organization at HashiCorp. Previously he was Staff Engineer for the platform organization at InVision (Miro), and Lead Engineer for the platform and pipeline teams at Auth0 (Okta). Further back he worked on developer productivity... Read More →
Friday September 20, 2024 2:50pm - 3:20pm PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D

3:30pm PDT

Replay 2024 Closing Session
Friday September 20, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
avatar for Clair Byrd

Clair Byrd

Chief Marketing Officer, Temporal
Friday September 20, 2024 3:30pm - 4:00pm PDT
Heroes Stage | Grand Ballroom A-D
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